Jaffa Cake shame deepens

Following our revelations about the astounding quantities of fat contained within England's official sports snack, the Jaffa Cake, we've received further horrifying news on the subject.

Goldenarm contacted us to add the following:

"As I discovered recently to my shock and revulsion, Jaffa Cakes contain no orange whatsoever. The filling is apricot jam with tangerine oil. Surely these confectionary impostors should be banned from our cricket fields for the sweet-biscuit equivalent of chucking?

"Note: The packaging, I am told, describes them cunningly as "orangey" rather than making any loose claims to their actually being orange biscuits..."

Is there no depth to which the Jaffa Cake will not plumb? How can it possibly bear the shame?

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chucking? CHUCKING?!

That's getting a bit controversial.

Surely, if tangerine oil is an ingredient, then Jaffa Cakes must contain some orange, given that tangerines are a subset of all things orangey?

I'll counter with the fact that Jaffa Cakes are in fact cakes, and NOT biscuits. They go hard with time, rather than soft, y'see. Fnirk.

4:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wikipedia contains the following correction:

There have been claims in the media that the orange centres in Jaffa Cakes are made from apricot and flavoured with tangerine oil. This urban legend may have originated in a 2002 article in The Daily Telegraph[2]. The myth gained status when it was published as fact in QI: The Book of General Ignorance, a 2006 book based on the BBC television series QI. The book's claim was repeated in a 2006 article in The People[3].

In reality Jaffa Cakes contain no apricot, or tangerine, and are made with orange juice. This myth is easily disproved as the ingredients are listed on every pack of Jaffa Cakes.

4:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reality Jaffa cakes contain jelly which is made with Pectin. The most common source of pectin is in APRICOTS! So most jaffa cakes contain apricot (or at least a part of an apricot). Still the flavour of the Jelly is still Orange.

5:03 pm  

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